8 (Innovative) Grant Application Tips

Last Updated, 2 September, 2024
Written by <a href="https://winwithwords.com.au/grant-resources/author/nic/" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

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Applying for a grant can be a competitive and challenging process, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of securing the funding your organisation needs. You may already know the basics, but if you are looking to really enhance your applications, you’ll need to think outside the box to get your application […]

Applying for a grant can be a competitive and challenging process, but with the right approach, you can increase your chances of securing the funding your organisation needs. You may already know the basics, but if you are looking to really enhance your applications, you’ll need to think outside the box to get your application over the line. Here are our 8 innovative grant application tips for doing just that.

1. Use the Language of the Funder

Before you start writing your grant proposal, take the time to thoroughly research the funder. Understand their mission, goals, and funding priorities. What types of projects have they funded in the past? What outcomes are they looking to achieve? Tailoring your proposal to align with the funder’s objectives is essential. Make sure your project clearly addresses the problems or opportunities that the funder cares about. Use the language of the funder. Reflect their priorities throughout the application to show that your goals are aligned.

2. Tell an Interesting Story

A strong narrative is at the heart of every successful grant application. Tell a story that resonates with the funder, highlighting the significance of the problem you aim to address and the impact your project will have. Use data and evidence to support your claims but also include human elements, such as personal stories or testimonials, to illustrate the real-world impact.

    3. Use SMART Goals

    Funders want to know exactly what you plan to achieve with their money. Clearly define your project’s objectives and the outcomes you expect. Be specific about what success looks like and how you will measure it. Use SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to provide a clear roadmap of what your project will accomplish. Include both quantitative and qualitative outcomes to provide a comprehensive picture of your project’s impact.

    4. Double-Check Your Calculations

      A well-prepared budget demonstrates that you have carefully thought through the financial aspects of your project. Make sure your budget is realistic, detailed, and aligns with the activities described in your proposal. Include justifications for each expense, explaining why they are necessary for achieving your project’s objectives. Double-check your calculations and ensure that your budget adds up correctly. Inaccurate budgets can raise red flags for funders. This is one of our most important grant application tips!

      5. Brag a Little Bit

        Funders need to be confident that your team has the skills and experience to successfully execute the project. Highlight the qualifications and expertise of key team members. Include brief bios and relevant past experience that demonstrate your team’s capability to deliver results. If your team lacks expertise in certain areas, consider partnering with other organisations or experts to strengthen your proposal.

        6. Include a Plan for Sustainability

          Grantmakers often prefer to fund projects that have a plan for sustainability beyond the grant period. Explain how your project will continue to operate and generate impact after the initial funding ends. This could involve generating revenue, securing additional funding sources, or building capacity within the community. Include letters of commitment from other funding sources or partners to demonstrate the viability of your sustainability plan.

          7. Get Buy-In From Your Community

            Community support is a powerful element in a grant application. It shows that your project is not only needed but also has the backing of those it aims to benefit. Demonstrating community support can significantly enhance your proposal by highlighting its relevance, sustainability, and credibility. Include letters from community leaders, local organisations, or beneficiaries. These letters should express endorsement of your project and describe its anticipated impact on the community. Providing tangible evidence of community support, such as signatures on petitions, results from community surveys, or attendance at planning meetings, can strengthen your case.

            8. Get an Outsider to Proofread

              Carefully follow the application guidelines provided by the funder. Adhere to word limits, format requirements, and submission deadlines. Proofread your application multiple times to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies. A polished and professional application reflects your organisation’s commitment and attention to detail. Have someone unfamiliar with the project review your application to ensure clarity and coherence.

                Writing a successful grant application requires careful planning, clear communication, and attention to detail. We hope these grant application tips will help you with your own applications. Feel free to reach out if you require assistance.

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